Educational papers and books Fill list of publications is available in pdf format.
Dushenkov, V. M. (1986). Urban ecology. Moscow, NIISIMO
Dushenkov, V. M. (1986). Manual for field invertebrate zoology. Moscow, MGPI
Stepanian, E. N., V. M. Dushenkov, V. V. Titova and E. M. Alexsakhina (1986). Laboratory practicum in zoology with the basics of animal ecology. Moscow, Prosveschenie
Dushenkov, V. M. and A. I. Dushenkova (1987). "On the pilot textbook "General Biology"." Biology in School(2): 75-76
Dushenkov, V. M. and L. R. Mustapha (1989). "Introducing a new textbook." Biology in School(6): 72-73
Dushenkov, V. M. and M. E. Chernykhovskiy (1990). Darwinism. Moscow, Prometei
Dushenkov, V. M. and A. I. Dushenkov (1990). Check yourself (500 biological tests). Moscow, Ecologia i obrazovanie
Anastasova, L. P., V. M. Dushenkov, B. D. Komissarov, et al. (1991). "Biological education in schools of the Russian Federation." Biology in School(4): 32-37
Dushenkov, V. M. (1991). "Biological olympiads." Biology in School(5): 57-62
Dushenkov, V. M. and K. V. Makarov (1991). ""Microevolution" - a personal computer program." Biology in School(6): 38-40
Dushenkov, V. M. (1992). "A new approach to teaching science in Russian secondary schools." Science Education International 3(2): 14-17
Dushenkov, V. M. (1993). "Organizing and conducting biological olympiads." Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie 7: 49-54
Komissarov, B. D., V. I. Sivoglasov and V. M. Dushenkov (1993). Russian standards for school education in biology. Basic level. Moscow, Institute obschego obrazovania
Dushenkov, V. M. and K. V. Makarov (2000). Summer field training course in invertebrate zoology. Moscow, Academia
Dushenkov, S. (2003). The virtues of an evolutionary biology education. Education Symposium-The Added Value of Training in Evolutionary Biology. Evolution 2003: The annual Joint Meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, and American Society of Naturalists, Chico, CA